Nonspecific abnormal findings disclosed at the time of these examinations are classified to categories R70-R94.


  • examinations related to pregnancy and reproduction (Z30-Z36, Z39.-)
  1. Z11 Encounter for screening for infectious and parasitic diseases

    1. Z11.0 Encounter for screening for intestinal infectious diseases

    2. Z11.1 Encounter for screening for respiratory tuberculosis

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Encounter for screening for active tuberculosis disease
    3. Z11.2 Encounter for screening for other bacterial diseases

    4. Z11.3 Encounter for screening for infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission

    5. Z11.4 Encounter for screening for human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]

    6. Z11.5 Encounter for screening for other viral diseases

      1. Z11.51 Encounter for screening for human papillomavirus (HPV)

      2. Z11.52 Encounter for screening for COVID-19

      3. Z11.59 Encounter for screening for other viral diseases

    7. Z11.6 Encounter for screening for other protozoal diseases and helminthiases

    8. Z11.7 Encounter for testing for latent tuberculosis infection

    9. Z11.8 Encounter for screening for other infectious and parasitic diseases

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Encounter for screening for chlamydia
      • Encounter for screening for rickettsial
      • Encounter for screening for spirochetal
      • Encounter for screening for mycoses
    10. Z11.9 Encounter for screening for infectious and parasitic diseases, unspecified

Abbreviations used here:

NEC Not elsewhere classifiable
This abbreviation in the Tabular List represents “other specified”. When a specific code is not available for a condition, the Tabular List includes an NEC entry under a code to identify the code as the “other specified” code.

NOS Not otherwise specified
This abbreviation is the equivalent of unspecified.