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Search for Procedure

  • Procedure

    • converted
      • arthroscopic to open Z53.33
      • laparoscopic to open Z53.31
      • specified procedure NEC to open Z53.39
      • thoracoscopic to open Z53.32
    • for purpose other than remedying health state Z41.9
    • not done Z53.9
      • because of
        • administrative reasons Z53.8
        • contraindication Z53.09
        • patient's decision Z53.20
          • for reasons of belief or group pressure Z53.1
          • left against medical advice (AMA) Z53.29
          • left without being seen Z53.21
          • specified reason NEC Z53.29
        • specified reason NEC Z53.8

ICD-10 Code Lookup

Find the disease or condition using the Alphabetic Index displayed on this page. Select the associated ICD-10 code to view any special notations from the Tabular List.

In addition to the notes in the Tabular List, these conditions also have a specific Alphabetic Index entry structure. In the Alphabetic Index both conditions are listed together with the etiology code first followed by the manifestation codes in brackets. The code in brackets is always to be sequenced second.

Abbreviations used here:

NEC “Not elsewhere classifiable”
This abbreviation in the Alphabetic Index represents “other specified.” When a specific code is not available for a condition, the Alphabetic Index directs the coder to the “other specified” code in the Tabular List.

NOS “Not otherwise specified”
This abbreviation is the equivalent of unspecified.