
  • inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs complicating:
  • abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.0)
  • pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O23.-, O75.3, O85, O86.-)
  1. N76 Other inflammation of vagina and vulva

    1. N76.0 Acute vaginitis

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Acute vulvovaginitis
      • Vaginitis NOS
      • Vulvovaginitis NOS
    2. N76.1 Subacute and chronic vaginitis

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Chronic vulvovaginitis
      • Subacute vulvovaginitis
    3. N76.2 Acute vulvitis

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Vulvitis NOS
    4. N76.3 Subacute and chronic vulvitis

    5. N76.4 Abscess of vulva

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Furuncle of vulva
    6. N76.5 Ulceration of vagina

    7. N76.6 Ulceration of vulva

    8. N76.8 Other specified inflammation of vagina and vulva

      1. N76.81 Mucositis (ulcerative) of vagina and vulva

      2. N76.82 Fournier disease of vagina and vulva

        Inclusion term(s):

        • Fournier gangrene of vagina and vulva
      3. N76.89 Other specified inflammation of vagina and vulva

Abbreviations used here:

NEC Not elsewhere classifiable
This abbreviation in the Tabular List represents “other specified”. When a specific code is not available for a condition, the Tabular List includes an NEC entry under a code to identify the code as the “other specified” code.

NOS Not otherwise specified
This abbreviation is the equivalent of unspecified.