
  • androgen insensitivity syndrome (E34.5-)
  • syndromes associated with anomalies in the number and form of chromosomes (Q90-Q99)
  1. Q53 Undescended and ectopic testicle

    1. Q53.0 Ectopic testis

      1. Q53.00 Ectopic testis, unspecified

      2. Q53.01 Ectopic testis, unilateral

      3. Q53.02 Ectopic testes, bilateral

    2. Q53.1 Undescended testicle, unilateral

      1. Q53.10 Unspecified undescended testicle, unilateral

      2. Q53.11 Abdominal testis, unilateral

        • Q53.111 Unilateral intraabdominal testis
        • Q53.112 Unilateral inguinal testis
      3. Q53.12 Ectopic perineal testis, unilateral

      4. Q53.13 Unilateral high scrotal testis

    3. Q53.2 Undescended testicle, bilateral

      1. Q53.20 Undescended testicle, unspecified, bilateral

      2. Q53.21 Abdominal testis, bilateral

        • Q53.211 Bilateral intraabdominal testes
        • Q53.212 Bilateral inguinal testes
      3. Q53.22 Ectopic perineal testis, bilateral

      4. Q53.23 Bilateral high scrotal testes

    4. Q53.9 Undescended testicle, unspecified

      Inclusion term(s):

      • Cryptorchism NOS
Abbreviations used here:

NEC Not elsewhere classifiable
This abbreviation in the Tabular List represents “other specified”. When a specific code is not available for a condition, the Tabular List includes an NEC entry under a code to identify the code as the “other specified” code.

NOS Not otherwise specified
This abbreviation is the equivalent of unspecified.