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Substance Poisoning
Accidental (unintentional)
Intentional (self-harm)
Aminophenylpyridone T43.591 T43.592 T43.593 T43.594 T43.595 T43.596
Aminophylline T48.6X1 T48.6X2 T48.6X3 T48.6X4 T48.6X5 T48.6X6
Aminopterin sodium T45.1X1 T45.1X2 T45.1X3 T45.1X4 T45.1X5 T45.1X6
Aminopyrine T39.2X1 T39.2X2 T39.2X3 T39.2X4 T39.2X5 T39.2X6
8-Aminoquinoline drugs T37.2X1 T37.2X2 T37.2X3 T37.2X4 T37.2X5 T37.2X6
Aminorex T50.5X1 T50.5X2 T50.5X3 T50.5X4 T50.5X5 T50.5X6
Aminosalicylic acid T37.1X1 T37.1X2 T37.1X3 T37.1X4 T37.1X5 T37.1X6
Aminosalylum T37.1X1 T37.1X2 T37.1X3 T37.1X4 T37.1X5 T37.1X6
Amiodarone T46.2X1 T46.2X2 T46.2X3 T46.2X4 T46.2X5 T46.2X6
Amiphenazole T50.7X1 T50.7X2 T50.7X3 T50.7X4 T50.7X5 T50.7X6

The occurrence of drug toxicity is classified in ICD-10-CM as follows:

Adverse Effect

When coding an adverse effect of a drug that has been correctly prescribed and properly administered, assign the appropriate code for the nature of the adverse effect followed by the appropriate code for the adverse effect of the drug (T36-T50). The code for the drug should have a 5th or 6th character “5” (for example T36.0X5-) Examples of the nature of an adverse effect are tachycardia, delirium, gastrointestinal hemorrhaging, vomiting, hypokalemia, hepatitis, renal failure, or respiratory failure.


When coding a poisoning or reaction to the improper use of a medication (e.g., overdose, wrong substance given or taken in error, wrong route of administration), first assign the appropriate code from categories T36-T50. The poisoning codes have an associated intent as their 5th or 6th character (accidental, intentional self-harm, assault and undetermined. If the intent of the poisoning is unknown or unspecified, code the intent as accidental intent. The undetermined intent is only for use if the documentation in the record specifies that the intent cannot be determined. Use additional code(s) for all manifestations of poisonings.

If there is also a diagnosis of abuse or dependence of the substance, the abuse or dependence is assigned as an additional code.

Examples of poisoning include:
  • Error was made in drug prescription
    Errors made in drug prescription or in the administration of the drug by provider, nurse, patient, or other person.
  • Overdose of a drug intentionally taken
    If an overdose of a drug was intentionally taken or administered and resulted in drug toxicity, it would be coded as a poisoning.
  • Nonprescribed drug taken with correctly prescribed and properly administered drug
    If a nonprescribed drug or medicinal agent was taken in combination with a correctly prescribed and properly administered drug, any drug toxicity or other reaction resulting from the interaction of the two drugs would be classified as a poisoning.
  • Interaction of drug(s) and alcohol
    When a reaction results from the interaction of a drug(s) and alcohol, this would be classified as poisoning.

Underdosing refers to taking less of a medication than is prescribed by a provider or a manufacturer's instruction. Discontinuing the use of a prescribed medication on the patient's own initiative (not directed by the patient's provider) is also classified as an underdosing. For underdosing, assign the code from categories T36-T50 (fifth or sixth character “6”).

Codes for underdosing should never be assigned as principal or first-listed codes. If a patient has a relapse or exacerbation of the medical condition for which the drug is prescribed because of the reduction in dose, then the medical condition itself should be coded.

Noncompliance (Z91.12-, Z91.13- and Z91.14-) or complication of care (Y63.6-Y63.9) codes are to be used with an underdosing code to indicate intent, if known.

Toxic Effects

When a harmful substance is ingested or comes in contact with a person, this is classified as a toxic effect. The toxic effect codes are in categories T51-T65.

Toxic effect codes have an associated intent: accidental, intentional self-harm, assault and undetermined.